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AR71ZU + Vista Media Center Update (KB955519) messed up my system tray and also problems with nVidia 8600m GT drivers


AR71ZU + Vista Media Center Update (KB955519) messed up my system tray and also problems with nVidia 8600m GT drivers

Hi everyone,

Arrrgh! Yesterday i was having a nightmare with my Sony RM-MCE20E IR remote and Media Center and also missing icons in the system tray (for Sound, Network and Vaio Update). For Media Center, it was like any button i'd pressed was jammed down and just went berserk. I'd checked what the guys at the Green Button Forum were saying, they were talking of taking out the batteries and shorting out the contacts with a paper clip AND with the batteries removed hold down the Power Button whilst pressing down as many as the buttons as possible. I did this for a bit, but had to go back and check the date on the post, expecting it to read 1st April. =o)

I'd checked which Microsoft Updates had been installed and among the latest 9 updates there was (KB955519) Cumulative Update for Media Center for Windows Update. I'd used System Restore to go back a step and miraculously all the icons came back in the system tray. BUT, i can't remember if Show Windows Previews (thumbnails) was greyed out before (right clicking on the taskbar, and clicking on properties).

This is starting to get really old. Can you uninstall specific updates from within Vista to eliminate problems/conflicts?

Anyone else have issues with Media Center over the last few days?

AND, Vista Problem Reporting had an entry that recommended i'd installed the latest nVidia drivers for the 8600m GT.

Can anyone please help me - Sony Vaio Gurus???


Well it's been a few months now and after restoring C:\ so many times i'd decided to let Vista do it's own thing with the Vista Updates. AND, you know what? It's worked ok and i haven't had any issues. I've been Sync'ing my HTC TyTn II and Outlook and all is good. The only problem i have had is receiving BBC2 (DVB-T not analogue since they've switched the analogue off) and BBC Three. I'd checked the big telly downstairs and could watch Top Gear last night ok. It's a shame as i'd wanted to record it. The AverMedia TV Tuner card only supports 480 lines so i can't record HD. I might plumb for a Express Card HD Tuner for Christmas. =o)

AutoCAD and Photoshop are fantastic on the 17" screen. It's just a shame it's such a brute to lug around and the 1hr battery life. I still haven't found a decent 'non-laptop-looking-rob-me-for-my-17-inch-Mac' bag so it generally sits on my desk and doesn't move. I used to drag my Acer 8104 with me everywhere.

My next little project is getting a Blu-Ray disk and a HDMI lead to see if it feeds Audio along the same cable. The standard headphone/Audio out connection's a little noisy.

Hi Short_Round,

Glad you have things sorted. Has anyone else you know had the same problems with BBC2. Is that the Selkirk Transmitter?

Yoy should be able to get digtal sound through HDMI - just change the sound output from speakers to digital (HDMI & SPDIF) in Control Panel.

I can sympathise with your problems carrying the AR about. Because of the short battery life, mine stays on a desk most of the time but I do find the Sony rucksack is ideal to carry it about when necessary. It is well padded and has more pockets than a room full of snooker tables!!


Hi Blencogo,

HAPPY NEW YEAR and thank you so much for replying to my post(s)! Hope you've had a good time and apologies for taking so long to post back. I've been a good boy this year and received some new toys. For ages I'd wanted an HDMI cable to hook my laptop up to the telly, and got one. It's great and connects fine. The colours and the quality are superb. BUT, i just can't seem to get the audio to go through the HDMI lead. Actually, let me back that up a bit. I've gone into Control Panel and configured the HDMI output/settings. I've setup the speakers and now get the audio beeps and test tones through the telly. All the DTS, Digital, etc. etc. boxes have been ticked and the bitrates for the output too. Now this is the weird bit, I've got Media Center playing a movie and the audio is being output from the laptop speakers and not the telly.

I've also just noticed that my lower tool bar has been dragged up by about 3 lines and the top of the screen has come down too. I guess that must be the native 1920x1080 as my screen is 1920x1200.

I've got a couple of Blu-Ray movies too and had hoped we could have a movie-fest. Is there any chance you can have a look at your settings for me and give me a heads-up please? In the meantime i'll continue to meddle with it and hopefully have something worthwhile to report back.

Oh and one more thing. Samsonite have a great little bag - the Pillow Messenger. It's a bit deeper than i'd wanted, but does greedily swallow my monster 17" laptop and everything i need aswell as my lunch and snacks. It doesn't scream laptop and has some pretty substantial strapping and padding inside.

Many thanks in-advance and Happy New Year once again.


Oh dear. I am a doughnut. =o( Thanks Blencogo, I'd successfully configured the HDMI output and knowing what Vista's like i should have restarted Media Center immediately, or even re-booted my machine.