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Windows XP Pro SP2

Windows XP Pro SP2

Good Morning Gents,

Don't seem to be having much success with my postings lately. However, I am afraid I have another question for the experts & experienced Vaio users using Windows XP, maybe I will have more luck this time.

As I have said I have a Vaio (as below) and am still running on SP1 as originally supplied. I have resisted updating my software, despite numerous prompts, to SP2 because of the bad reports I have heard and read about the effects this upgrade had on installed software and stability.

Now, despite what many of you may think about the Symantec (Norton) Anti Virus and Firewall software I have been running it for many years without any problems except I guess for a slower running computer. I am now being prompted to upgrade the Norton software but it will not load without SP2 or SP3 being installed on my Laptop - what do I do please?

Quite simply, do I 'bite the bullet' and install SP2? If so what problems/risks am I taking??

Many thanks,



Hi Gyron,

you shouldn't have a problem upgrading to SP2 but I would give SP3 a miss for the moment..

If after installing SP2 you find you have a problem then you can always roll back to SP1 again use the following link for details: How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from your computer

Hi Gyron.

I have been running SP3 on two computers without any problems at all since it was first released.

However, I have heard of people with problems with the SP3 update so as Thalamus says, It is probably wise to give it a miss. These Service Packs are mainly made up of previously released updates and save considerable time if you ever have to reinstall your system and are a useful guarantee that you have all patches installed.

SP2 contains many enhanced security features like the firewall enhancement and other security programs may require it to be installed. Before installing SP2 (or SP3) run a full Virus scan and a full spyware scan. Most problems with Service Pack installation can be caused by spyware or other infections being already present.


Thank you Thalamus and Blencogo for comments, will give SP2 a try then.

You're welcome gyron..

Hi Gents,

Just thought I would give update on my SP2 upgrade to XP Pro operating system.

Well, I finally 'bit the bullet' and installed the SP2 upgrade from the Microsoft website and;

1. Far from the upgrade taking c. 45 mintes it actually took some 2/3 hours - God knows why!
2. I am very surprised just how very much had disc space I have lost through the upgrade!
3. I have lost some functions, which is the main reason for this posting -

Since the upgrade I seem to have lost the ability to receive emails (via Outlook Express) with built-in images - there was no problem before upgrade. Although I get the email there are now just squares with a small cross in the top left hand corner where the image(s) should be. Any idea why this is and how I can fix it please?

Also I used to have a small flashing double tele' screen on the task bar which, when the curser was placed over it, showed my actual broadband connection speed to the internet (not the speed from router to computer), which I have now lost, any ideas?

On balance would I have installed SP2 - nope!

Thanks as always for any help.

Kind regards,

Since the upgrade I seem to have lost the ability to receive emails (via Outlook Express) with built-in images - there was no problem before upgrade. Although I get the email there are now just squares with a small cross in the top left hand corner where the image(s) should be. Any idea why this is and how I can fix it please?

Have you checked Outlook Express security settings, click Tools, then Options, followed by the Security tab).?

On balance would I have installed SP2 - nope!

If you wish you can always roll back to SP1 again use the following link for details: How to remove Windows XP Service Pack 2 from your computer.. :thinking:

Hi Thalamus,

Thanks for reply. I have sorted out the Outlook Express problem, thanks for help.

As far as rolling back to SP1 is concerned, I really don't know what to do now I must confess! As days roll on SP2 seems to be less of a problem although the original reason for updating has not gone away ie my Norton Software (don't say it), seems to demand the SP2 upgrade. The only positive reason for rolling back to SP1 would be to recover some of my hard disc space - SP2 seems to have used quite a lot.

Thanks for help as usual,


You're welcome Gyron.. :slight_smile:

my Norton Software (don't say it)

Lips are sealed.. :smileyshhh:
The only positive reason for rolling back to SP1 would be to recover some of my hard disc space - SP2 seems to have used quite a lot.

The SP2 install process creates a rollback folder, this will take up some of your HDD space, but I would NOT recommend you remove this folder to reclaim some HDD space, instead the following link offers some tips on reclaiming HDD space: Reclaim Hard-Drive Space

Thanks Thalamus