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Hey...I have a question about the hdd of my computer...there is 'only' 368 gb left of the 454 gb space on the hdd. When I checked my files on the hdd (c), there are only 2 files containing 15 gb (windows and program files) and the rest of my files are only containing a few mb's...So the folders on my hdd are only containing 30 gb of information...then how it is possible that there is 'just' 368 gb left?? I fragmentated my hdd when there was 400 gb left.. after the procedure there was only 390 gb left on my hdd...I thaught a fragmentated hdd would contain more free space but I was wrong...

in advance thanks...


Hi Massieve Slang

the missing HDD space is probably due to the space used by Vista's System Restore..

You can check what space is being used and allocated to shadow storage by follow this guide..

Click Start, then click All programs followed by Accessories.

In Accessories Right Click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

In the Command Prompt window type: vssadmin list shadowstorage and then click Enter

Hopefully you should see..

Used Shadow Copy Storage space:

Allocated Shadow Copy Storage space:

Maximum Shadow Copy Storage space: