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Sony Vaio VGN-FZ31Z "downgrade" from Windows Vista to Windows XP (SP3)


Sony Vaio VGN-FZ31Z "downgrade" from Windows Vista to Windows XP (SP3)

It's me again. I am now trying to find out, from Microsoft support center, if it is possible to downgrade from windows vista to windows XP (SP3), maintaining the same license and garanty. What I would like to know is if Sony will have the drivers for this particular machine (Sony Vaio VGN-FZ31Z), with the windows XP (SP3) operating system. I would really appreciate some technical information/support. Thank you!


Hi tchumatchato,

Sorry but it is bad news.

There is no downgrade path to XP if you have Vista Home Premium. Microsoft do provide a downgrade path from Vista Business and Vista Ultimate but not from Home Premium or the basic version. If you want XP you will have to buy a retail version.

Sony do not support XP on your FZ31 and do not provide Drivers or Utilities for use with XP. You will receive no support from Sony if you change to XP and you would need to reinstall Vista if you need to make a claim under the Warranty.

You will lose all the preinstalled software - including the software for the BD Player - and you will have to buy all new programs for use with XP.

It is not possible to get the FZ-Series Vaios to work properly with XP because they have been designed for Vista. The Sony Utilities are not available so you cannot change the screen brightness and can't use the other special key functions like the S1 key. AV Mode does not work and the HDMI output does not work.

The advice has got to be 'Try to live with Vista'.

However, drivers can be found quite easily and if you are prepared to put up with limited functionality, it is possible to get the FZ-Series Vaios at least working with XP. Several members have done the downgrade - some find the extra speed is worth the drawbacks but many return to Vista because everything works and your warranty is safe.



Hi tchumatchato,

Sorry but it is bad news.

There is no downgrade path to XP if you have Vista Home Premium. Microsoft do provide a downgrade path from Vista Business and Vista Ultimate but not from Home Premium or the basic version. If you want XP you will have to buy a retail version.

Sony do not support XP on your FZ31 and do not provide Drivers or Utilities for use with XP. You will receive no support from Sony if you change to XP and you would need to reinstall Vista if you need to make a claim under the Warranty.

You will lose all the preinstalled software - including the software for the BD Player - and you will have to buy all new programs for use with XP.

It is not possible to get the FZ-Series Vaios to work properly with XP because they have been designed for Vista. The Sony Utilities are not available so you cannot change the screen brightness and can't use the other special key functions like the S1 key. AV Mode does not work and the HDMI output does not work.

The advice has got to be 'Try to live with Vista'.

However, drivers can be found quite easily and if you are prepared to put up with limited functionality, it is possible to get the FZ-Series Vaios at least working with XP. Several members have done the downgrade - some find the extra speed is worth the drawbacks but many return to Vista because everything works and your warranty is safe.


Thanks a lot for your info. Just another question; if I get the Vista Ultimate (retail), will it upgrade the machine in a simple fashion or does it produce geekies (I mean issues that only geeks will be able to sort out) and make me loose time looking for solutions? Thank you again for the above thorough explanation.



i recently purchased FZ31Z as well and imedietelly downgraded to Windows XP (cuz Windows VISTA is like some serious illnes or epidemy for any computer :devil: ). As U did, i also had some troubles to solve not supported "FN + F5, FN + F6" control keys. Magnify (FN+F10) i don't use i have Microsoft mouse with magnify buton (by the way does not work on Win Vista properly - and it is microsoft software and harware :smileygrin: useless under Vista => U can see, that even microsoft does not know how to make work older hardware or drivers under Vista :thinking: ).

Solution: Try 3rd party software to control things like brightness control :cool: (every gfx card knows how to) and i also use LCD off software, which is missing on "FN" keys at all.

I USE THIS FREEWARE (but there ale plenty of other usefull soft) To brightness control use Volumouse - support hot keys and mouse

As HOTKEY LAUNCHER U can use some of these(but there are also many different apps) to run MonitorOFF aplication

However these applications does not support FN key either, but i use CTRL instead :wink: All of them eats small amount of sys resources and all are freeware :smileygrin:

ENJOY :slight_smile: