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My Brand New Vaio FW Is Mesed Up Already!!, Please Help.


My Brand New Vaio FW Is Mesed Up Already!!, Please Help.

well i bought a brand new FW last tuesday,

i wanted to restore it to start a new beacause i had somehow used 80Gb of space in a few days and wanted a clean slate, so i stuck in the 1st recovery disk i made, and after about 15 mins it asked for disk 2, ok so inserted it got to 28% then an error ''305:69'' then closes so i try the HDD way, but i get an error askng to confirm model type!

now everytime i boot it says no OS found!!??

will sony replace the laptop?

some please tell me what i should do, thanks


Hi iD4V3 and welcome.

80GB lost is quite normal - have a look at the post earlier this evening by Thalamus here: -

this will account for some of your lost space - the rest will be Vista's System Restore and will only happen again after you restore unless you manually limit it to a smaller size.

Try resetting the BIOS defaults and then try a Recovery from the Hard Drive directly by tapping F10 when you see the first Vaio logo during boot. Have a look in your Recovery and Troubleshooting Manual at Page 33 here: -

To reset the BIOS defaults: -

1. Turn on your VAIO.
2. When you see the Sony logo, press F2 several times.
3. You will get the PhoenixBIOS Setup Utility window.
4. Press F9 to get default values and then press ENTER to confirm.
5. Press F10 to save changes and exit and then press ENTER to confirm.
6. You have restored the default values and your VAIO will now restart.

Hopefully this will work - if not you will need to contact sony support who will send you a new set of recovery discs.



Thanks for your Help,
i tried it woth the HDD but trying 'restore C drive' and 'complete system Recovery' both came up with the error ''please confirm model type''

if sony send me out a new set of discs will it not do the same thing as the ones i had made? or are they different?

thanks again.

It is possible that your discs are somehow corrupt.

It is also possible that there is a mismatch between the software version loaded on your HDD and the model version stated the BIOS.



So best option would be to ring themtomorrow? or can i do it now?

Unfortunately it is 0800 to 1800 only.

Good Luck



aw ok thanks man, have you ever seen a problem like this before?