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FW11E and Vista Ultimate x64


FW11E and Vista Ultimate x64

am I the only fool to think a major player like sony would support 64 bit computing?

Trying to get drivers in the UK for 64 bit Vista is like finding cookoo clock droppings, even in the US they only list drivers for downgrading to 32 bit.

I have scrubbed the HD, I hate unavailable Hidden partitions, never know what lerks inside them, I then installed Vista Ult x64 and most things worked and after a visit to, I found the 64 bit Wireless drivers.

Now all I have to find is the drivers for the base system and an unknown device under other devices

I have been maintaining a considerable amount of computers of various types for many years and I have never come accross a more rubish support site than Sony UK. It's technical info reads like a sales brochure rather than the technical specifications that we require. The same is true of the manuals.

Time to come into the real world Sony, 64 bit has been here for a long time and is here to stay, but look out, 128 bit is on its way.

maybe they should stick to AV products.


Hi comuscomp and welcome.

These are the best you will get!!
