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Desparatly Need Help Connecting To Router, Any Help?


Desparatly Need Help Connecting To Router, Any Help?

I Bought a sony viao laptop, windows vista, and i soon afterwards i bought a netgear router. Everything was working fine, until i went on holiday, used my laptop in the hotel (free wi-fi) then came back home, my internet stopped working. I only get the messege "local only" instead of "local and internet" I'm not sure if its the laptop that doesnt work or the wireless. I've tried the laptop at other places, and it works at some. But not on others. But yet no other laptops cannot connect to my wireless as well. So i need some help, i've rang up my internet providers and they cannot do anything. My friends dad who knows lots about computers said the laptop was fine it was just the wireless. Because i could connect to his wireless. Any advice? Would be GREATLY appreciated.


check that the router and modem communicate. there is nothing wrong with the computer. its just that u do not have an internet connection.

disconnect modem and router. connect modem. wait until it signs in. now connect the router.

try now.

if it still doesnt work try connecting the computer via cable and see if u have an internet connection.

lastly check that u have the right username and password on your adsl connection ( i assume it is adsl)

good luck