Accelerometer stops working


Accelerometer stops working

The accelerometer of my x performance stops after some days so auto-rotate and other stuff does not work anymore until I reboot...

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Petterkatt, I have gotten a pm from the Sony rep in this thread that the issue is getting looked into. If there is no fix within 7 days i will visit my vendor (Telia) and make a claim.

I have been encountering a similar error since the latest update on Bell Canada Sony Xperia X Performance devices.

The device is less than 3 months old.

One solution seems to work so far after four days's trial.

You should remember your google account and password before going.

(1) go to Settings - Apps - Google Apps, press Disable, this will unstall Google Apps from your phone, and no need to install factory version.
(2) go to Settings - Account & sync, press Google and click right-top corner to open menu, press Remove account.
(3) Restart your phone.
(4) Enter Google play store, you will be requested to login your Google account. Do it.
(5) Search Google Apps in Google play and install up-to-date version of this App, then open/enable Google Apps. Done.


Same problem here in Thailand, Sony Thailand said I'm the first who face this problem with X Performance model bring the phone to service center (After try many solution by myself).

Tuesday was my 2nd Time to go to Sony Thailand service center and they asked me to left the phone to investigate ~1 month, worst case they will change me a new mainboard. I'm waiting Sony Thailand for workabale solution for this problem.

BTW, camera not good as it shoud be, I even cannot scan 2D barcode from X Performance.


Sony should say something, it seems we are encountering same issue all over the world.


I think it maybe relate with "What's New" app.

My list of disabled apps

- AR-Effect

- AVG Protection

- Lifelog

- Movie Creator

- PlayStation App


- Spotify

- TrackID
- Video & TV SideView

What's New cannot be disable, so I just forced stop it.

When What's New was stop, I don't have the issue, but it will come back automaticlly after reboot.

When What's New is on working, the issue will appear. 

I found the way to disable What's New :


And I don't have this issue after I disable What's New, I will keep watching it.


I also have this problem with a Telstra (Australia) X Performance. Please release a fix asap

Again: as mentioned earlier I did NOT disable "What's new"and the issue wasn't present for six days now. Therefore it seems that disabling it is at least not a fix for all users.

I still have the problem Slightly_frowning_Face

I hope Sony will find the cause and fix it.



ok, fine ...noticed that you have disabled a lot of apps ...I am wondering whether the Watsnew is influencing the phone in combination with some app in your list (below reported)... (indeed I have disabled whatsapp and since about 3,5 hours everything is fine ...I have many of the apps you have disabled).

In this case, looks quite complicated ...something which is not expected by a telephone that has been paid more than 500 Euro...

This is the list od apps disabled by webdude:

- Amazon Shopping (I am using the original amazon app)
- AR-Effekt
- AVG Protection
- Chrome (since today, due to high cpu usage)
- Facebook (I just the mobile site)
- GMail
- Google App
- Kalendar (Google one - I use Xperia calendar)
- Kobo ebooks
- Lifelog
- Movie Creator
- PlayStation App
- Skizze
- Sky Go
- Spotify
- Sticker-Erzeuger