
KD 55XE9005: no Favorites bar after upgrading to Android 8


I'm new to this community, I guess we all come in here for the first time to speak about a problem rather than sharing their exquisite experiences with their new TV sets :).

OK, so I've just updated my 55 XE9005 with the new Android 8 firmware downloaded from the official Sony website.
After updating, I had to re-activate my Favorites list, but surprisingly there is no way to see it in the Discover bar, on the bottom of the screen, where it used to be. In fact, scrolling to "options" I've noticed that there isn't anymore an option to enable/ disable the favorites channels toolbar, only favorites apps, top picks etc.
The only way to select a certain memorized channel is to go to "Guide", then press "Action", select "Guide Source" and then your favorites list. This is valid only once, the TV "forgets" your selection, and (of course) the channels in the Guide are not alphabetically ordred.
Any help?


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