Unable to update firmware - KDL-55W805C



Unfortunately, I am not able to update the firmware on my SONY Bravia KDL-55W805C


Current firmware: PKG2.257.0010EUA


I downloaded the latest firmware (v3.865 Sony Website) and put onto a USB:


- The update started and a white Led light started blinking on the front panel of the TV

- When the update finished, I went to Home - Settings - Help and the firmware was not updated (PKG2.257.0010EUA)


I tried inserting prepared USB into USB port 1, 2 and 3 and also created two copies of the update on, one of them renamed as 'upgrade_uploader.pkg' having no luck (PKG2.257.0010EUA).


When going to Home - Settings - Help - System software update - Check for a system software update - Update Now: 


- The update started and a white Led light started blinking on the front panel of the TV

- When the update finished, I went to Home - Settings - Help and the firmware was not updated (PKG2.257.0010EUA)



Please, does anyone know why this is occurring and how to fix it.






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