
Windows 10 for older Vaio PCs (Win-7 and earlier)

I get it that Sony Support are - in their own words - "... currently testing the performance of Sony products with Windows 10 and will be releasing compatibility information gradually. Visit this page regularly for updates!".


I also understand that Sony stated they will not provide updated drivers for Vaios originally shipped with Windows 7 or earlier.

[Shame on them!]


I have two questions:


1) From the above, I conclude that it will not matter how long I wait for information regarding my VGN-Z5 (with Windows7)  because they will never provide an answer. Is that correct?


2) Eight weeks before release, the Windows 10 compatibility checker in the App from Microsoft told me my PC was not compatible or four reasons. When I ran it again a few weeks later there was just one problem (graphics card) and now the checker reports no problems. Can I conclude that somehow Microsoft and/or other driver providers have applied the fixes to ensure that Windows10 is compatible with my Vaio?


Can I rely on the Microsoft compatibility checker to give an accurate answer?

[Sorry... that was a third question.]



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