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Will not start with battery plugged in


Will not start with battery plugged in


I turned my laptop on today with the AC power cable plugged in and the battery inserted. Under power management Vista said that the laptop was plugged in but the battery was not charging. The power was at 8%.

So i shut down my laptop, unplugged the AC power, took out the battery and reinserted it, i then plugged the power cable back in. The battery icon started to flash continuously quite rapidly. I could also not start up my laptop- when i press the power button the green power button comes on but then goes off again immediately and the laptop remains how it was).

However, if i take out the battery i can start up my laptop fine.

Any ideas what could be causing this? I am thinking the battery is dead (although i have had the laptop less than a year and a couple of months). This does not explain why it will not turn on when the battery is inserted however?

The laptop i have is a VGN-FZ11L running Vista Home Premium. I also have Ubuntu on another partition if that makes any difference.



Hi kolicha and welcome to Club Vaio.

It does sound like a faulty battery. Unfortunately this can happen at any time.

The only useful way to see if your battery if dead is to borrow a good one from a friend or take your Vaio into a Sony shop and try one there.

Apart from checking the battery contacts, there is little else you can do.



Shame, Ok then. Thanks for the reply :slight_smile: