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Which Bluray Drive Shall I Buy For My Z11WN/B?


Which Bluray Drive Shall I Buy For My Z11WN/B?

Hi everyone, this is my first post so be nice :slight_smile:

I recently purchased a sony vaio z series laptop, the z11wn/b and i wanted it with a blu ray drive but this option is not currently available in europe for this laptop. Any thoughts as to why? its not as though sony dont sell loads of other laptops with bluray.

Anyway, i was looking to buy this:

My current dvd drive doesnt look rectangular as its at an angle due to shape of the bottom of the laptop, however i think that this is just the fascia and i presume that this can be removed and put onto the new drive?

Will the above drive work fine in my laptop? is it universal with all sony laptops? I cant find the one that sony use in the US anywhere!

Thanks for your help, Ryan


Hi Ryan and welcome to Club Vaio.

Actually you can configure your own Vaio and order a Z-Series with Blu-Ray Drive or SSD here: -

Configure your own Z-Series

If you have a big wallet that is!!!

A change of drive will invalidate your warranty so you will need to accept that. Also the Z-Series is notoriously difficult to open without breaking the carbon fibre. Sony will not upgrade and I'm not sure you will find a technician to do it.

Have a look at this link to get an idea of what is involved: -

Opening a Z-Series



Hi Blencogo! Thanks for your reply.

Im glad that i didnt see that link actually, £395 for a blu ray drive!!! thats insane!!! a whole ps3 costs less than that, which is a gaming system with a blu ray drive.

I have taken the keyboard off before without any issues, although i have never really looked at how the dvd drive is attatched. I think that it will be a good little project, even if it did void the warranty.

What do you think of that blu ray drive then? will it fit okay?

Thanks, Ryan

Hi Ryan,

What do you think of that blu ray drive then? will it fit okay?

Yes it is a standard slimline size and is designed to fit in a Vaio with the matching connections.

It needs a mini-SATA converter if you are using it in a non-Vaio.



Excellent, i might get one soon then. Im still debating on what to do though. I play all my blu rays on a stand alone blu ray player so im not sure if im even going to watch blurays on my laptop, although it would be something for me to waste my money on :slight_smile:

Do you think that it will require any drivers? Will it be much louder than my current dvd drive?
