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Weird 'buzzing/interference' noise from auxillary output when DJ'ing off my vaio - Help please!


Weird 'buzzing/interference' noise from auxillary output when DJ'ing off my vaio - Help please!

Yo, 1st post here like so go easy lads!
Got my Vaio (NR11S) in July and it's been a dream so far, with only 1 slight problem.
I'm a DJ and use my Vaio when playing out, using Virtual DJ 5.1 and a Behringer BCD 3000 usb controller.
The sound quality is superb when using the laptop battery, but as most gigs are 5-6 hours long, i need to AC adapter for at least half the time.
However, when i plug the ac adapter into the laptop, a weird buzzy sort of interfernce like noise is audible, albeit barley most of the time, but during breakdowns in songs it is clearly audible and sounds awful.
Someone suggested getting a surge protection plug adaptor and plugging the ac adaptor into that and then into the mains, but i don't know for sure if that will solve the problem.
Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem when connecting there vaio to a larger sound system via either esb or the auxillary output.
Anyone got any ideas?


Hi Hibbo17 and welcome to the forum.

From what you describe it would seem that the problem is 'ground loop '.

The solution is to make sure that power and audio leads are kept as far apart as possible and/or buy some quality shielded audio cable.

Go n-éirí an bóthar leat

Hi Hibbo17,

you may also want to try using a Ground Loop Isolator...

Something like this may hopefully help: Ground Loop Isolator


Cheers lads, just ordered myself an isolator on ebay, hopefully that'll put a stop to it.