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Hi.I have problem to uprgade WIN DVD on my PC to play blue ray disc.Any time I try there is memo saying that this upgrate patch can't apply to my version and setup will now abort.(Version followed
Can anybody help me with this problem please.Thank you
P.S. I been told to try this uprade by VAIO Club administrator but doesn't work.
Hi jaworszczak and welcome.
What version do you have installed already?
1. Open the directory "C:\Program Files\InterVideo\DVDBD8\" .
2. Right-click the file "WinDVD.exe", choose "Properties", click "Details" tab.
3. What is the "File version".
Hi jaworszczak and welcome.
What version do you have installed already?
1. Open the directory "C:\Program Files\InterVideo\DVDBD8\" .
2. Right-click the file "WinDVD.exe", choose "Properties", click "Details" tab.
3. What is the "File version".