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VGN-CS11 Problem with fan!!

VGN-CS11 Problem with fan!!

Hi guys i do no if is a problem!! i just got my vaio and it does a noise when the fan start work like trick and happen all the time!! i now is normal make some noise but this noise is different i s like all teh time when the fan is start work!!!

Some can help!!! is a sony vaio vgn-cs11s



Hi there

Welcome to Club Vaio :slight_smile:

The fan will make some noise but it should not be really loud.
Have you checked if any of your vents are blocked with dust etc?

Also are you using the notebook on a flat surface? (with good ventilation)


I have the same problem (seems like the fan vibrates when starting/stopping producing a strange noise, also in a VGN-CS11S, with one week), but it does not happen all the time the fan starts spinning (maybe 1 out of 5 times, give or take).


Hey there!

I also have bought a new VGN CS11S VAIO only a few weeks ago and I also experience that strange noise with the cpu fan. However, I only hear it when the fan stops operation, it's like a lingering "growl" of sorts that goes on for a mere second or two after the fan stops. It is a bit annoying, because it is much louder than the quiet, smooth operation of the otherwise flawless and efficient fan. Up until now, I had dismissed it as the normal operation of the unit, but if it doesn't happen on every CS11, then it might be something wrong with only a few.

I would encourage everyone who's bought a CS11 to report if they also experience this "problem" with the laptop's fan, this way we will determine if it's a real problem (and take the appropriate measures to solve it) or simply something inherent to this model and that we'll have to learn to live with.

Ok... I hope to get your feedback!!



Mine is also a VGN-CS11S bought last month. I have the same problem (I don't know if it is a problem actually). The fan spins normally but when it stops spining I hear this click sound, which is not very loud but it worries me a bit. There is no problem with the computer, it seems to work fine. Maybe when the fan slows down and is about to stop it touches somewhere? I don't know.


hey guys!
i too got the same problem..when my fan turns on it makes some strange noise...



Since all of us here seem to have the same issue with the laptop fan, and most of us have relatively new laptops, does anyone know how we could get someone from Sony Vaio to tell us if this could be normal or if we should worry about and try and get it fixed?
It would be good to know, if I bough a laptop with a problematic fan before my warranty expires, so that I may use it.




I have a small suggestion to make. In order to get more attention from CS11 users and Sony guys (or anyone that might help us), what if we make a new thread with a title something like "Attention VGN-CS11 users and SONY!! Problem with FAN!"? This way, it will be easier for someone browsing the forum to quickly identify him/herself with this specific problem in the CS11. (In fact, it took me a while to find this thread and see that it related to my notebook...).

I hope that you guys think that it's a good idea. In order to buy time, after making this post I'll go and create the new thread with the aforementioned title. As a small favour, I'd ask the guys that have already posted in this thread concerning this problem if they would, please, also go to the new thread and post their problem there, it will encourage more people to post if they see that some people already have :wink: .

Oh, btw, today my fan has started to make stranger sounds, even during operation and startup! I don't think that this is "normal operation" of the fan anymore... :slight_frown:

Due to this, I have just gone and created a new case with eSupport explaining the problem. I've told them that the laptop is brand new, that it hasn't suffered any "injury" (you know what I mean... :cool: ) and that I haven't gone and opened it up or anything of the style. If and when they respond, I'll post in the new thread whatever feedback I get.

Regarding this, I'd encourage everyone to at least contact Vaio-link or e-Support and at least state the problem. The more that do this, the sooner Sony will realise that this is a generalised problem with the CS series and take steps to solve this problem.

Ok, guys... don't forget to post in the new thread!! :slight_smile:

Ok, guys... don't forget to post in the new thread!!  :slight_smile: 

I think it may be easier for all to follow if we use one thread..

Therefore I'll close this thread, so could you please now use the other thread HERE
