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VGC-VA1 after system recovery no 'Next' button during Windows Set-Up after activating wireless keyboard


VGC-VA1 after system recovery no 'Next' button during Windows Set-Up after activating wireless keyboard

I had to remove software and a restore was the best option but I had to do further restores for one reason or another like recovering lost desk top files.

I got the missing ntoskrnl.exe message preventing windows from starting.

After using the VAIO Recovery Wizard to re-install the C:\Drive from C:\Drive and trying again with Windows XP installation disc (created after purchase according to Sony VAIO manual instructions) ,
no 'Next' button appears in Windows Set-Up after successfully activating the wireless keyboard.
This stops Windows Set-Up!
Please tell me what's gone wrong + the fix ?


Hi cbhu,

have you reset the BIOS to factory defaults as per the VA1 recovery guide .?

Does the next button appear of screen.?

Not exactly ideal but have you tried clicking on the Tab key, this should allow you to move through the selectable options.

Hopefully by pressing the Tab key you can select the Next button (although you wont be able to tell that the buttons selected, as you can't see it..) and then press enter, this may enable you to continue the process.. :thinking:


Hi Thalamus,

The C Drive system recovery was performed accordingly using the VA1 recovery guide.

I did it first from the hard disk drive (no next button on windows set up) and all over again from the disc (still no Next button on windows set up)

Does "resetting the BIOS to factory defaults" mean "Recovering the system without changing partition sizes" (as per page 8 in the VA1 Recovery Guide) ?
If not how do I do that ( will I keep D Drive files ?) as it is not in the manual ?

Before I try again with the Tab key ( I probably did before and it scrolled up but should try again) can you tell me if by recovering the C Drive I have already reset the BIOS as per your message .

Re: screen
How can I tell if the next button appears off the visible screen? I tried arrow keys, etc. Could not move the screen.



:slight_smile: Hi Thalamus

It worked! Thanks!

No BIOS reset was necessary.

I pressed Tab key and quickly got to the next page (which
has a Next button)


It worked! Thanks!

No BIOS reset was necessary.

I pressed Tab key and quickly got to the next page (which
has a Next button)

Excellent, glad I could help.. :slight_smile: