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Vaio AW11Z - Recovery partition is empty!


Vaio AW11Z - Recovery partition is empty!

Hi all,

I have just bought a Vaio AW11 Z/B to my wife and have a question concerning the recovery partition and recovery discs.

The computer come with Windows Vista Home Premium and everything worked well in the installation. It keeps warning about the need of creating the recovery discs. I confess that I have being postponing that task but today went to see the drive C and saw it says that the recovery partition is 100% free.
Does this mean that in this moment there is not the necessary information for a recovery to factory conditions?
Does this information placed in the recovery partition when making the recovery DVDs?
If not what is the use of the recovery partition?

Thank you in advance for any clarification.



Hi awemans,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

The recovery partition is a hidden EISA partition and is separate to your C Drive..

You can create a set of recovery disc's by doing the following..

Click Start, All Programs, then Vaio Recovery Center..

Click Continue on the User Account Control window

Select Create Recovery Disc then press Start.. :slight_smile:


Hi Thalamus and thank you for the welcome.

What scared me was that in the disk management of the Vista it listed the recovery partition as being 100% free, i.e. empty. Maybe it has to do to be in EISA format. Anyway I will go buy 3 DVDs and making the recovery discs following your instructions. Better safe than sorry.
Thank you.

Best regards,


Hi Thalamus and thank you for the welcome.

You're welcome awemans..

What scared me was that in the disk management of the Vista it listed the recovery partition as being 100% free, i.e. empty. Maybe it has to do to be in EISA format.

Yes the recovery partition does display as 100% free in Vista..