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Trouble linking Z-series through HDMI to a panasonic LCD TV


Trouble linking Z-series through HDMI to a panasonic LCD TV


I recently linked my z-series up to my Panasonic TV at home through the HDMI cable. All was fine, and using the Fn+F7 button I could toggle between laptop and TV screen.

However, I have recently tried to do this again and when I select Fn+F7 button I no-longer get the option to toglle between devices. I have rebooted both with and without the HDMI cable attached but without any luck. It is as if the laptop is no longer recognising the HDMI output to the TV. It is fine with a monitor attached through a standard output

Any thoughts on how this can be resolved?


Hi nedlob and welcome.

Do all the other Fn keys work?

Screen Brightness, Volume etc.



Yes all work fine and have jusy plugged in an external monitor at work via a standard output cable and can toggle fine with the Fn F7 key.

It is as if the TV is no longer recognised via the HDMI cable


YAY ! I fixed it all on my ownsome.

Quite simply, if you want to connect your Laptop to a flashy new LCD TV via HDMI then you need to ensure that your advance graphic card is select otherwise it won't recognise a connection

In otherwords, the crappy slider at the top left of the keyboard on my Z-series needs to be on 'Speed' which utilises the NVIDIA graphics card rather the the standard Intel card when the slider is on 'Stamina'. Of course, the annoying thing is that you need to restart you machine for this to work, but then you can toggle using Fn F7 between screens.

Lovely. Does that make me an expert now.

JB :laughing: