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RT1SU and Screen colors+resolution


RT1SU and Screen colors+resolution


I have received my RT1SU 5 days ago and I am dispointed. Sad when you know the price.

Although Blu-ray / DVDs play well, the windows part is awful, it just hurts my eyes.

I happens for many reasons:

- Fonts look blury and go to red mixed with black
- Colors like orange are too intense
- White is very white

Changing either the font size or playing with the nvidia media center does not really solve my problem (color intentity is near 0).

I assume the problem come from Windows and its ability to properly display a Full HD desktop (including web browser etc...). I was very suprised that the only resolutions proposed are 1900x1200 or 1200x1024. Nothing in between !

This is causing another problem when playing games. You have to stick to one of these screen resolutions. Playing with 1200x1024 is awful and I did not need to invest so much money to get that. Playing in 1900x1200 is beautiful but the graphic card does not follow (the FPS sucks).


- Can someone share maybe some parameters (I would guess the pb is the same for other full HD screens such as LV1S) regarding color parameters, fonts etc...
- How can I get a resolution of 1600x1200 let say ?

I have tried to install the new Nvidia beta drivers for mobile graphic cards and guess what : The Vaios not supported.

Help very appreciated.