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remote madness !


remote madness !

I have a new Vaio LV1S, and the remote control seems to have started a mind of its own ? If you press the center pad left/right or up/down, the TV programs start scrolling or the volume goes full up or right down to zero,once the TV program changed without pressing any thing, I tried new batteries but no joy, any ideas ?


Hi there
I don't know if this will be any help but I had a similar problem some time ago with my XL-302 when using Media Centre & the cause was interferrence.
I had temporarily put two aluminium cases near the PC & also left a Bluetooth adaptor plugged in, I removed the adaptor & moved the cases away & the problem disappeared. Hope it helps


Hi, thanks for the reply, it is possible that there could be some interference as there are so many wi-fi bits and pieces bluetooth etc. however I fear that the real reason was less sinister !
Its possible that someone has spilt some liquid on the remote thus causing it to play up, its seem better for the moment.