Share your experience!
I've got a Vaio SZ1VP and the battery doesn't stand a charge anymore (after only 1 year).
I would like to buy a new battery but the prices are really expensive (more than 200 euros for a normal battery, more than 400 euros for a large capacity battery).
I've noticed on ebay that non-original batteries are quite cheaper (less than 100 euros).
I would like to have to some feedback about users who bought non-original batteries.
Many thanks
Be careful, I bought a non Sony battery at less than half the price only to descover that Sony have installed software in the boot up routine that stops the battery booting my AR11S but once booted the battery works fine. This has left a nasty tatse for Sony Laptops as I feel they are profiteering on batteries where they charge ridiculous prices.
thank you for your feedback.
The SZ1VP doesn't have this routine installed and it's possible to boot without any trouble.
Unfortunately, the computer LED quickly flickers as if there was a problem and a pop-up windowd shows an error message (whick can be deleted using CTRL+AL+DEL).
Have you experienced some troubles with your battery ?
What about capacity ? Does it discharge without using it ? ...