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Online Petition for Recovery Discs

Online Petition for Recovery Discs

Right, it seems every second problem is to do with recovery discs.
I think it’s time we made our voices heard and demand they be included in the box.

I myself have had problems where, in the past, I’ve had 6 or 7 coasters trying to create them. The following is the basis of the petition.

1.The onus on creating them should NOT lie with the consumer.
2.Any disc created/burned by an end user is of inferior quality to those produced by a manufacturer. Recovery discs are usually only needed after a long period of time and a user created disc is much more susceptible to damage than a pressed disc.
3.In bulk the cost would be in the pence/cents category and if it meant adding 1 pound/Euro (a situation where they would make a profit) EVERY customer would be willing to pay it.
4.With half (this is a figure of speech it’s more likely most) the people who buy a PC they don’t remember or have better things to do than go through the notoriously hit and miss process of creating the discs.
5.The one time you need them is after a serious problem and now you have the anxious hour or two of finding out if your “Home Made Discs”, have actually worked or were even created correctly in the first place. This is bad enough for a casual user but is totally unacceptable for someone who needs their pc for their business or income.
6.The customer is always right.

I would really appreciate if everyone who feels the same way would respond with a simple “Agreed” comment so we can determine, against the number of registered members of the site, what percentage of VAIO owners want or demand some sort of action.

It might also be useful if a mod or admin could estimate a percentage of logged calls regarding these discs. I’d also like to point out I don’t hold SONY entirely responsible for this as most manufacturer’s now operate this way.
I’m sure Blencogo, Thalamus, Jumpsuit and crew would be happy to get rid of these queries once and for all.

Thanks to all who respond in advance



When I wanted to set the pc back on new.
I made the recovery disks.
After I burned them I tried to usem to set my PC back on the beginning.
During the recovery process and after the c partition has been erased and the actual recovery process started at some point it failed and produced a error message.

Result I have an empty PC (VGN FZ 21 M) and after i contacted the VAIO support they offered me the discs for 42€.

Thats bullshit.

Hi Marlonir,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

You're Vaio has a hidden HDD recovery partition so as long as it has not been deleted you should be able to recover your Vaio back to the original installed OS and programs just as it was when you first used your Vaio.

To do this Start your Vaio and when you see the Vaio logo screen press F10 repeatedly this normally would start the recovery process..