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My Club Vaio not loading (white box)

My Club Vaio not loading (white box)

Do you have a popup window with a message "Please connect to the Internet to download the latest version of My Club VAIO", if so, Sony have released a My Club VAIO patch version 1.0.

This patch improves compatibility with Windows Vista and fixes some bugs found in the My Club VAIO application.

There were a few issues with permissions in Vista during the installation, which caused the My Club VAIO application to be fired up after each reboot of the machine. This patch will reinstall the My Club VAIO application and make sure all permissions are set correctly.

To successfully install this patch, you will need Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, and an internet connection. The My Club VAIO application should also be installed on your system.

Before you install this patch, please make sure the My Club VAIO application is closed.

Click here to install the patch (version 1.0).

Click here if you need help or have problems installing the patch.


Hi Mano,

welcome to Club Vaio..

You should be able to stop My Club Vaio.exe from starting if you go to start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Task Scheduler..

In task scheduler you should have three windows, Overview of Task Scheduler, then below this Task Status and finally at the bottom Active tasks..

In task scheduler go to the bottom section of the centre column (called active tasks)

Double click LaunchMCV and in the new window select delete... :slight_smile:

See image below..


Hi Mano,

welcome to Club Vaio..

Thanks for all that. Hope it works (and expect it too).

However, now I've discovered that the desktop icon "VAIO User Guides" also creates the same white box (with a failed download icon in the top left-hand corner as though you're trying to get an image off the web but it didn't come through properly) which means I can't access any of my user guides!!

Is there a way to fix this?



That box used to really bug me, so i used the MSCONFIG window so diable it at start up.


Many thanks for that. But it only seems to have half worked. VGN-TZ21VN machine. Installed all okay but now when the Club Vaio home screen comes up (which it didnt before patch added) it gives the following box with error message "Access violation at address 0066DC75 in module "SyncApp.exe". Read of address 00000000."
You click ok on error msg and then it all hangs and needs closing off Task Manager.
Somewhat maddening on a new machine! :devil:
Any ideas? many thanks


I have exactly the same problem on a TZ. I think these machines went out the door too quickly as I'm having no end of problems with the bundled software.

I also have a row of pixels which are all slightly lighter than the rest. Strange.


Hi Thalamus

Just run this fix on my VGN-FE48E and it was a complete success.

As before many thanks

MIke B :slight_smile:

You're welcome Mike.. :slight_smile:


New SZ61VNX - My Club Vaio, registration and VAIO User Guides all fail to start properly. Just a white box that sits there. Vistas Business. Deleted the startup task, but still doesn't work. Any ideas, pls?

New SZ61VNX - My Club Vaio, registration and VAIO User Guides all fail to start properly.  Just a white box that sits there.  Vistas Business.  Deleted the startup task, but still doesn't work.  Any ideas, pls?

Hi sdw303,

welcome to Club Vaio.. :slight_smile:

Sony has released patch that should fix this problem, use the following link to download the fix: My Club VAIO patch version 1.0

Deleting the My Club Vaio.exe entry from scheduled task will only stop My Club Vaio auto launching on startup..


thanks for the information about the patch.. I've been wondering what happened to my vaiofor some time now... and up to today could only find your task scheduler / startup response which didnt seem to exactly fit ...