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Linux users

I'm a Ubuntu user with a VGN-NS11E.
Since it is made for windows, I can't get some little things working on my OS, like the jack sensor (speakers don't mute when I plug my headphones), the mute and "av mode" buttons, the "motion eye", etc.
It would be fine to share tutorials to make it work. Is there anyone else with linux?

Also I've been reading about load/unload technology in new HDD, which supposely kills HDDs.
I noted the symptom (3-4 clicks per minute) after restarting from a suspended session. I think it could be restarting in laptop mode and that's why I hear the click.
I couldn't find the model of the HDD installed in this laptop. Anyone knows if it has the load/unload thing? or am I becoming paranoid?



and a warm welcome to the growing comunity of Ubuntu users within CLub Vaio 🙂

Yesterday i spoke to another user who had the same issues with the mic jack, I was a bit worried because usually this should work. He tried the linked tutorial for an FZ series.
I know it is old but you may try it :

Concerning your HDD I don't have enough knowledge to translate your question to german but I think this is an OS independent thing, maybe thalamus or blencogo will answer you this question.

If you're talking about reducing the disk write actions simply use ext2 as your filesystem which doesn't journal all actions.


Thanks. It was useful (the link).

Concerning your HDD I don't have enough knowledge to translate your question to german but I think this is an OS independent thing, maybe thalamus or blencogo will answer you this question.

My fault. I'm not good explaining things in english.
This is the problem. You can find it in many forums. There are also some solutions posted. What I wanted to know is the model of my HDD.
I can try one of those solutions, but it may be worst if my HDD doesn't has that technology.

I found some other problems with my vaio, but I'm more worried of my HDD by now.

Wow, I never looked into a critical bug report on launchpad !

I hope all fixes will be applied to your system automaticly.
Concerning your HDD it may be simple to open the door of the hdd and copy the name.

I don't know the exact name but maybe Thal or Blencogo know it.


It seems that this bug has been around since 2007. The fix is in the "proposed" repository.
It makes the HDD work harder so its not recommended if you don't have that kind of HDD.
I'll open my computer to take a look at the hard disk as soon as I can, but I think its strange I couldn't find any information on the web about what my vaio is made of. Is it a secret or what? More probably I'm not good enough using google.

I'll leave a post if I get something interesting.

Thanks for reading.