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Just got my RT1SU, strange fan noise? Problem? *I hope not*


Just got my RT1SU, strange fan noise? Problem? *I hope not*

Hiya guys, took delivery of my beautiful RT1SU a couple of days ago. Having set it up and got used to it all etc I've began to notice a noise that is extreme annoying to say the least, and having many computers I'm 100% sure its not a good sign.

It's hard for me to explain, like a fan starting off then waning down quickly. Like revving a car and listening to it slow down, then repeating the process or perhaps a speeding racing car zooming past. It isnt loud by any means but now I've become transfixed on that noise when not playing any music etc. Its rather a quiet system yet this noise is noticable regardless.

Anyone had any experiences? It's time to decide if it needs returning? I don't want to return it, but I'm beginning to stress out with it.


(Other than that, its an amazing machine. This is coming from someone who owned a 8-Core Mac Pro & 24" iMac).

Thanks for any suggestions.


I got my RT1SU 3 days ago and can honestly say I haven't experienced any noise from the fans that you describe. It is pretty noisy on startup for the first couple 10 seconds or so and then settles down and is very quiet. There is a slight whisper noise from the fans but nothing really noticeable.
I too came from a Mac (iMac core2 with 4GB) and much prefer the Sony. It is an awesome machine and a joy to use.

Hope you get it sorted.

Hi AmTechFox,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

I guess if the fan noise is causing concern I suggest you contact Sony Vaio support, you can do this either by phone or via e-Support, use the following link to find the contact details: Sony Vaio Support


Hi AmTechFox,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

I guess if the fan noise is causing concern I suggest you contact Sony Vaio support, you can do this either by phone or via e-Support, use the following link to find the contact details: Sony Vaio Support

Hi Thalamus,

My RT1SU has developed an hard disk fault and it is only 10 days old. It started yesterday when Vista wouldn't boot and I was unable to repair it with Vista startup repair. I managed to get the system to boot using the Vaio recovery tools and doing a hard disk check. Now when I boot up the drive(s) are really noisy and I get a message from the Intel Matrix Storage utility saying one of my raid 0 drives has write errors, and to back up my data immediately. Programs are now ending suddenly with failed to respond messages and if I put the Vaio to sleep the system completely hangs when waking up.
Can you please advise as to wether my retailer should sort this problem with it only being 10 days old or should I contact Sony support? I assume Sony support will be shut until Monday?
Also what would the procedure be for a system that is only 10 days old? Will I be left without a machine and if so for how long?

Thankyou for your help.