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Installing Windows 7 on my SZ3


Installing Windows 7 on my SZ3

I currently have Windows XP SP3 installed on my SZ3, and I'm looking to give windows 7 a run out on my laptop. When I format it, I know I'll lose everything to install the beta win7 OS, but I'd just like some peace of mind on a few things:

1) My 2 recovery DVDs I created will restore XP and my pre-installed programmes on my vaio?
2) If not, how do I get XP back without a windows disc? Do I boot from the DVD drive with one of the discs?
3) Sony has nicely released drivers for my specific model for a 'Vista upgrade', so all my XP utilities should work on Vista and 7 I hope?
4) Anything else I need to be aware of?


In answer to your questions
1) yes
2) N/A in view of 1)
3) Should do as anything that works in Vista will work in W7 (it says!)
4) Hmm, Windows 7 states that upgrades are only available fromVista, not XP, but I know some have done it. Maybe have a look around the Net first.

If you have room I would suggest partitioning your XP drive and clean installing W7 on the new partition. That leaves your XP alone and when you boot up you will get the option of which OS to boot.


If you have room I would suggest partitioning your XP drive and clean installing W7 on the new partition. That leaves your XP alone and when you boot up you will get the option of which OS to boot.

Do you partition your C drive BEFORE installing Win7 or the Win7 installer will ask you? Under XP (or Vista), how do you create a partition (out of your existing drive) for another OS?

Many thanx.


Thanks chaps, I'll go ahead with this then. I did some research into the Vista only thing mentioned by Quackers. I've found cases of individuals installing Windows 7 on top of Windows XP (Home or Pro) and this being fine. You can even save you files by choosing 'install option 1'.

Also, Gish, your F10 response worries me, as installing Windows 7 will wipe and system restore capability preinstalled by Sony, and thus I won't be able to use any utilities built in. I know everything is backed up onto the two recovery DVDs, however these are only used from the 'restore' facility within Windows, is that correct? I'm not confident I could 'boot' from one of these an actual Windows disk when I have no OS installed. Could you clarify?

If you partition your C: drive you can do a clean install and leave your XP OS alone.
The F10 instruction would only be needed if you wished to recover your XP system to the "out of the box state". This would be needed if you UPGRADE XP to Windows 7 (when W7 expires in August). You won't need to do that if you clean instal W7 on a seperate partition.
Have fun!


Thanks Quacker. The reason I'm quite happy to install over the XP installation is that I need to do a restore soon anyway, to clear things up. So a clean install was on the cards. I thought I may as well co-inside a trial period of Win7, then install XP fresh in August as you say.

Many thanks for your help, I'll F10 in August and hopefully I'll be back on XP with my recovery DVDs. :slight_smile:

Good thinking Batman! Have fun!

No problem at all. We all need help at times.