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Frustrations with Z11VN Graphics Support


Frustrations with Z11VN Graphics Support

I find it no surprise that SONY have just announced huge losses , as having shelled out a small fortune for a top of the range notebook I find the lack of support totally frustrating.

Taking out the search function on the support forums for a month now (the month I am trying to get the machine working) really has frustrated me as the official site is less than useless. The best source for help is from other stuck punters and that is blocked by the lack of search (the comment to use google does not appear to work very well). Is there an ulterior motive here ? Stopping new punters seeing the difficulties of using the top of the range machines ?

Despite this I have managed to get multi-boot working (VISTA,XP,UBUNTU) but which graphics card is initialised when I boot in to any OS (including supported Vista) seems totally random , and the only solution I have found is to reinstall the graphics driver each time to get the NVIDIA working.

The total lack of SONY support for XP and Linux is amazing. Had I known about the lack of support for the hybrid graphics I would never have gone for a SONY machine. Among all the other useless stickers on the palm rest should be a useful warning one - not supported for use with XP or Linux....

Come on SONY at least give is a BIOS option to switch one or other card off - preferably the Intel.....

Anyone know how to get NVIDIA to stick in XP please comment.....