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freezing of vaio aw11m


freezing of vaio aw11m

i've recently bought a sony vaio aw11m but every so often it just freezes up and nothing works. I have to switch the power button in to switch it off and start again. Anybody out there to help me please.


Hi jstat and welcome to Club Vaio.

Unfortunately it could be any number of things. The most common causes are software that is not Vista compliant or faulty drivers.

What software have you installed and are you sure it is Vista compatible?
Have you updated any drivers?
Do you get any error messages?
Does it happen when doing something graphics intensive? Playing DVD or BD? Playing games?

Give us as much information as you can think of. If you cannot identify the actual cause, you may have to reinstall the operating system by carrying out a System Recovery.



Hi i've not installed anything at all. It can happen at any time. I was making some back-up discs and it happened twice whilst making them and today i was just reading a document and it froze, nothing would work, mouse pad froze, ctrl, alt, delete wouldn't help or alt-f4 as in the instructions. I've only had it 5 days.

You can return it to the shop that sold it if it does not work properly during the first 28 days.

If it is new and you have not added anything, it may be worth running a full System Restore which will reload Vista and return the Vaio to its original state. Try this first before returning it as it may fix the problem.

Connect it to the Mains Adapter and follow the procedure on Page 32 of your Recovery Guide.

Recovery and Troubleshooting Guide



Thanks i'll try that before taking it back to the shop.