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Dead Pixelation


Dead Pixelation


I have recently purchased a Sony Viao FW11M laptop, and to my disgruntlement have found a dead pixel in the centre of the screen. Not what a expect to find after spending the amount of money. I contacted the store where i bought it. They asked my to call the Sony Viao support centre. After inputting my serial number, im told the the laptop is no longer under warranty. :devil:

I am then asked to call a premium rate number? Has anyone else experianced the same issue? Any help of advise would be greatly appreciated. :slight_frown:


DigitalByDesign :smileygrin:


Hi DigitalByDesign,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

I can thoroughly understand your disappointment, unfortunately it states in the Sony pixel policy for the FW11M that your Vaio has a screen area of 1600x900 and therefore Sony state the Maximum number of tolerated stuck pixels to be 9

You should contact Vaio Link if:

* You have missing or stuck pixels being clustered in a small area.
* You believe the number of missing or stuck pixels to be higher than 9

To read the Sony Faulty Pixels Policy click on the following link: Sony FW Pixel policy

If you bought your Vaio locally you could always see if they will allow you to exchange your Vaio for another one.. :thinking:


Thanks for the reply. :slight_smile:

I bet this has been mentioned a thousand times before, unfortunatly my local store will not take the item back for exactly the same reasons. Its not actually classed as a fault because the laptop is still operational. Luckily i did take out a whatever happens policy. So things will come good one way or another. :smileygrin:

Anyone know of any quick fixes? Ive had a quick look around the web, but i have not had chance to test any of them.


You're welcome..