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cant play blue ray through my AR41S laptop on a projector


cant play blue ray through my AR41S laptop on a projector

Hiya guys :slight_smile:
i bought this AR41S laptop last year and its great. its blue ray plays movies on laptop but now i wana see these movies on my big screen through my HD ready projector but it doesnot work. :cry: i used the PS3 and it played the movie thru projector. so dont know why only laptop is not playing on projector,which is i am pissed about. may be it is matter of interface as suggested by a friend as my laptop is full HD 1080 and projector is HD ready 720. can anyone help me please........... :thinking:


Hi - welcome to Club Vaio.

Do you get any error messages? I presume the projector is HDCP compliant?

Have you tried pressing Fn + F7 to toggle to the external display? HDCP will not allow blu-ray to play on the Vaio screen and an external screen at the same time.



well thanks for ur reply
it is HD ready dont know wot is HDCP
when i connect to projector through HDMI, the blue ray software auto shuts off and when i replay it doesnt play atall.