
3D Glasses Filter

Hi there,

Not sure if there are any Sony mods/reps seeing this but I was wondering if you can tell me how I go about getting hold of some 3D Glasses filters as I'm having an issue with flicker. I've got the TDG-BR250 glasses along with a KDL 46EX723.

Is there any chance of getting hold of some fitlers here? If so is it possible for 2 sets and how much do they cost?

Thanks - J

113 REPLIES 113

Hi Thalamus,

Can I have some Filters for my glasses please?


Hi Guys,

I have some filters available. They were sent to me by sony support. I no longer have the TV....I swapped it for a Samsung...which is brilliant in 3D :slight_smile:

If anyome wants these filters you can have them for nowt. Just send me a SAE and you can have em....I dont think they will make any difference to be honest....but message me and Ill give you my address. Its a small jiffy bag about 4" by 7".


Hi guys, i have had the same issues as the rest of you, having only just purchased my tv this week. just spoke to the sony centre and they say all there tv's are the same quality of 3D?? so i have since phoned customer support and they straght away offerd to send me some anti-polorization filters! Now, most of you seem to have been sent them, Do they work? or should i just be buying a BUSH 3D tv as they have the same quality 3D at £300 not £1500, the price i paid for my TV???

there is obviously a problem with the TV's or there would not be filters already made for them??

Well everyone knows that Sony 3D TV is horrendous, was released without proper testing (it would seem) and has major design flaws (flickering, painfully heavy glasses, huge viewing quality issues due to the thick, reflective glasses etc), making it almost unwatchable and unusable. Just look at the number of people requesting filters. The filters offer some improvement to the picture issues.

Does it matter if you have your 3D glasses filtered or not? Just been thinking about it for quite some time.

One of the 3D problems is the tilt issues. If one tilts the head the 3D effect is lost immediately and the colours go bananas. These filters will only solve the tilt problem. They will not improve any other of the problems these TV’s have with 3D. So do not expect any improvement in 3D quality with these filters. They also make the image darker.

I bought a 65HX923, 4500 pounds, which is meant to be superior to the NX range. Admittedly 3D is greatly improved in the HX range. However it has visible x-talk. In addition the panel was faulty, 2D also rubbish, and my Sony Centre went into administration If you want a refund or exchange be very quick or you might end up with a faulty TV and lengthy battle to get a good one.

I have always bought Sony product but these long affair with Sony is over. I feel never buying Sony again. My advice is avoiding Sony TV’s, if you are lucky you might get a good one but the chances are that you will get a stinky one and prepare for bumpy ride.

Hi, I have just received my 55HX923 and the crosstalk and colour/head tilt issues render 3D unwatchable.  could you please advise how I obtain the filters?

Thanks in advance.



Sorry to be so nosy. Is there any reason why you always send a private message? Is it not easier to post the link directly in the thread so people can go to it directly? I know that you are only trying to help but I have seen so many private messages that made me think that it would be better just to post the link for everyone to see.

By the way Thalamus I am not having a go at you, mate. I just thought of making the comment to simply your work. I sincerely offer an apology if you took offence which is in no way the reason of the post.

Message was edited by: sony_cust11

Message was edited by: sony_cust11 adding note

Hello, anyone?

Hi stumpybloke,

the best you can hope for is a PM from Thalamus, in any event theres no guarantee these will work other than make the image darker, i have had some for months and not even tried them yet, may get round to it one day!