Sony Blu-Ray BDP S3100 Wifi HELP!


Sony Blu-Ray BDP S3100 Wifi HELP!



can anyone help - im trying to connect my new blu ray play via wifi (its a wifi enabled btw) but I'm getting no where - ok it will wire up if I plug it into my router but Wifi is a no-go can ANYONE help? Arrggggh driving me mad lol :O)




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haha ... it's gone back now getting a replacement soon 

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Hi there


At what point does it fall-over?  Can it detect your router?  How far away is it from your router (in another room?)


When you do a "Network Connection Status" what does it show.


Sorry for the 100 questions.  Just trying to figure where you are up to.




haha fire away any help will be welcome :O)


Ok - the player does not detect my router - all other devices in the past I had zero problem (gaming devices, tablets, phones ect)


It askes to press the WEP key (which I do) it runs for a sec then I get one of two messages...


1) An unknown problem has been detected.  and it says something about resetting something (?)

2) Somestimes it says that USB LAN adapator cannot be detected ... player has WiFi built in so not sure why it says that ... 


Currently my player is upstairs the router down stairs - I have also wired it up to the down stairs TV - same problem


I have wired it up - it works fine hooks up the net no problem I have looked up dating software says its fully updated


um...yeah so any ideas?

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USB Lan adapter not detected - what a stupid error message, well duh.  Yes this model has wifi built in.


Try a "Reset to Factory Default Settings" in the reset menu.  It may clear any gremlins.


BTW, I would probably try setting the wireless up as close as possible to the router itself (ie downstairs), and then move it, if/when you get wireless working.  Just incase its a signal issue.  Do that after a factory reset.


yeah Iv done a factory re set a few times still does nothing its really weird should just pick up the router ... I have had the player next to the router still theres no communication between the player and router 


I have seen people write about changing DNS/subnet mask settings not sure I'm doing it right but thats has got me no where ... you reckon I should just send the player back?

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I found this thread on the US forums (see message 4 and 6):


I have done a bit of a search in the meantime as well, and cannot find a solution.  Id probably contact your retailer and exchange it for another one to be honest.


cheers mate - yeah Im not a total dumb bell when it comes to things like this im really out of ideas been on it all day haha if this link works ill eat my hat ill let you know appreciate the help!


btw the message I keep getting when trying to find a wireless network is "Redo automatic registration"



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The only thing remotely connected to that error message, is the following:


The desired wireless router do not appear in the wireless network list.

Press RETURN to return to the previous screen, and try wireless setup again. If the desired wireless router is still not detected, press RETURN to select [Manual registration].


Sorry, im at a loss (happening a lot today 😞 )  Best bet is to contact Sony Support tomorrow, or your retailer.

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Ahhhhh - An Idea!


Try giving the Bluray player a FIXED IP address (manual settings) - just curious if your router is not sending out a DHCP address (therefore not registering?)