HDR-TG3 stopped taking photos!


HDR-TG3 stopped taking photos!

I have a HDR-TG3 and its been brill.  Photo's and video top notch, until literally today.  For some reason (and I dont know why) it will no longer take any photo's.  It takes video no problem, but I press the photo button and nothing happens.  It was fine yesterday (I'm on holiday and taking plenty of photo's and video) but not today:smileycry:!  I have delelted all the photo's and videos on the card and have a full battery.  I have reset it as well, but it still will not take photo's.

Can you help?  or is it a case of wait until I get back home and send it off for repair???:smileysad:


Hello there, i have the same problems with the camera, It takes video no problem. I just have a test with it and find out that the problem is the button of the camera itself (try to swing your lcd display almost close) you will see that the button is working, if that so you no that the cable that connect to the button is damised


I tried this,but it still doesnt work, I suppose the only thing is to send it off to sony for them to have a look at it.


Hello ! Same problem. If i press photo button, nothing. Video is ok, photo nothing. No errors, but no photo....

Don't understand. Sony is never answer to my problem. f.... !


hi.same problem.did you send for repair? if so how much is it?


nice info thanks.you got any idea how much Sony would charge for this.if too much wont bother as ive better camera equpment (Canon S90) , but ideally would like it to work..


I'm not sure how much it would cost in the UK. I think I heard figures of £170 for a fixed fee. It is 550 euro here in Ireland! . However I think Sony should help out with this. Rather than treat the fix as a revenue stream. Any good camera repair shop should it do at reasonable cost if you source the part yourself or give them the part number. There are no special tools or skill required. It is just very compact and intricate. I uploaded the service manual as an attachment but it doesnt seem to appear on the post. Page 25 has a good description of the fix. I would print it out and bring it along to a repair shop with the part number.They should be able to give a reasonable estimate. I will upload the manual elsewhere and link to it later if people want it.


The Photo Button problem is caused by a break in the cable connecting the LCD panel to the camera body. When you open the lcd panel it flexes and in the TG3's case eventual breaks.  So it needs to be replaced.

Sony call these cables flexible Boards.

The Sony Part name for the cable is    FP-909 FLEXIBLE BOARD, COMPLETE.

The Sony Part number is                    A-1528-470-A

List Price $ 38.40  (USA)

I had the same problem here with my TG3E. It had taken only 2 and a half hours of video, maybe 120 pics and had a very very easy life since I bought it in September 2009. Shortly after the photo button stopped working the lens cover stopped opening. Rendering it useless. A quick search revealed these are common problems. Especial in the USA where it was released earlier as the TG1E.


Perhaps Sony might consider helping people to resolve these problems so as to ensure confidence in t... brand name. At least replacing the faulty parts free or at reduced cost.

Don't even think about replacing these parts yourself. As well as wrecking your camera you could electrocute yourself. The capacitor for the flash unit stores a charge at 330V dc. Even if the battery has been removed for some time. It needs to be discharged safely. So don't remove the cover. I have over 28 years experience in the electronics industry and it was tricky enough for me to fix.

Here is a link to the service manual and parts list. Please note the warning on discharging the capacitor.


If your lens cover wont open you need to have the shutter mechanism replaced.

The Sony Part name for the faulty shutter mechanism is A-1494-203-A LENS BARRIER UNIT.

List Price $ 38.40  (USA)

