Standby power consumption

Standby power consumption

I started to measure power consumption in standby with an EdiMax SP-2101W and FHEM software.


First test I have done is with optimized settings like:

Remote start: disabled

Automatic software downloading: disabled




There are easily 50-100 wake-ups per night which might sooner or later upset the PSU.

At least with those optimized settings, it went to deep sleep for the first time about half an hour after switching off the set (going from ~20W to 0.5W).


This test was done with the antenna cable unplugged. It might very well be that the TV therefore fails to update the EPG/services, retrying every X minutes.


@Anonymous @Peter_S. Maybe you guys can find something out about Sony standby behavior? That does not look too healthy...


Next night I will try with antenna cable plugged in.

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Reduce, not entirely stop. I still have some wake-ups over the night.

The event log is now showing zero connects and disconnects from the tv overnight. Maybe when unplugging the Ethernet cable in addition to all the things I disabled stops the constant wake ups?

Without any network connection the OS would have very few reasons to wake up. With both network interfaces off (if well implemented) all network activities should be automatically disabled (and so would be the network standby activities). Then I don't know about the Digital TV/Satellite services. I have seen some options about updating the TV guide or Satellite Channel list while in standby, stuff like that. Those can be disabled manually.

The german guy with the Philips AndroidTV has Lollipop on his TV. So in my opinion this is not so representative.

On my TV it helps to cut the LAN cable to eliminate the wake ups in Standby. But the LAN disconnection must be done during PowerOn state, not in Standby. So the TV must know before going to Standby that the LAN connection is not available.
I tried a lot of to get a stable Standby without any wake-ups, deleting google account, deactivating all apps that can be deactivated, disconnecting USB and HDMI devices, etc. Only one time I got a Standby without wake-ups, but then I wanted to check the dependency and I performed a factory reset. Till now I could not get a Standby without wake-ups…

Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]

A quick note. As suspected, disabling app updates and sync, epg updates etc makes no difference at all. Only unplugging the Ethernet cable (with tv on) has any effect. So anything 'smart' about the tv is now effectively rendered unusable.

I can only look in the last 60 min of power consumption. Yesterday i powered down the ethernet switch in which the sony tv is connected.

Actual result:


Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]

So what do you want to tell us with that? Powering down the switch is like unplugging the cable... link goes down. So nothing unexpected here.

I missunderstood last comment from Garymjh. I thought in his case unplugging the ethernet connection did not help. But it did.


In last time i noticed something more that makes no sense for me. With connected LAN i watched when the tv wakes up in standby using my fritzdect. When the wake up occurred i could not see an active LAN state on the tv lan port on my switch. That would mean, that only the mainboard powers up but not the ethernet? I have no confirmation for that, maybe my fritzbox has a delay showing the NOW power consumption and when i looked on the switch, the tv was back in deep standby.

But if the tv would really wake up in standby without ethernet, where is the depency of going to standby without ethernet connection and to keep deep standby? And if, why the tv wake ups with connected ethernet during standby and do not use the internet connection? This would be a strange behavoiur...

Sony 65XF9005 - Sony STR-DN1070 - Apple TV 4K [Früher: Sony KD-55XD8005 - Sony KD-55XE8505 - Sony KD-55XF9005 - Samsung 55NU8009]

I have no confirmation for that, maybe my fritzbox has a delay showing the NOW power consumption and when i looked on the switch, the tv was back in deep standby

That's for sure the case. Can't the FRITZ als detect and log link changes? See here..

As expected, FW 3.925 is just as flaky:




Woke up a dozen times again this night. Around midnight you can see a silent reboot, where the TV most probably crashed on a resume from standby...