Sony KD-43XD8305B Motionflow issues

Sony KD-43XD8305B Motionflow issues

When I watch to a football match ( for example ) and on display appear only one player in movement , on the edges of his body appear some strange shadows , that would not normally be there . I checked on others two TVs 2014 models KDL-32W705B and KDL-42W815B from my home , using the same DVB-C signal provided by RCS&RDS , and on these TVs , these strange shadows does not exist . This is a malfunction of Motionflow XR processor , or it is necessary to make some settings ? Also , on some TV Channels , when watching a movie , especially on dark scenes , and the subtitles show up , the image luminance decreases slightly and rise up when subtitles disappear ; can do something to improve that behavior ? My TV is made in 2016 / 10 and have Android 6.0.1 and 6.0514.0001EUA Firmware  and the Image Mode is set on Standard . Have someone these issues on this TV ? Thanks !


You have probably to do some home work on your tv settings, XD83 is great especially on motion handling.

Did you try, just to start, using the football live function when watching a match? that set the right setting for motion even if in my personal opinion is too bright...

For the luminance variance you should deactivate the Advance Contrast Enhancer in advanced image setting of your Standard profile. This will disable the TV to try lowering the backlight in darkest scene and be forced to rise up when some brighter object (like subtitles) appear. However, the result will be that your tv will have constantly a greyer black, so in my opinion is better to have it on an IPS panel like yours.

You did not understood  , the TV lower the luminance when subtitles show up and rise up luminance when subtitles disappear . I  disabled the Advanced Contrast Enhancer function and screen luminance no longer change when the subtitles appears or disappears . Regarding Motionflow , these strange shadows disappear when changed the Motionflow setting from the default Standard to Off in Picture Settings . These are the optimal settings for this TV set ?

Has enyone noticed these phenomena on KD-43XD8305B ?

Hi @Gonzales60


I have the same problem with enternal subtitles(using Kodi)

I don't have this on embedded subtitles in movies in Digital.

You cannot completely solve this issue by disabling Light sensors or Advanced contrast enhancer but only partialy.

Kodi also gives the option to change subtitles colour and this also helped. I set to a Grey option.


I don't have the shadows when Motionflow is in Standard mode. Try disabling Light sensor and set to Vivid.



Hi @MiCal1967 ,

Your 2015 model KD-55X8508C have the 4K Processor X1 that includes Noise Crusher , Flat Area Detection and Super Resolution features and my 2016 model KD-43XD8305B do not have the X1 processor , just X-Reality Pro 4K and the new hardware platform based on the new Mediatek MT5891 SoC ( the 2015 models have MT5890 SoC ) .

Hi rooobb , 

Regarding Motionflow , I already try to set the TV on Football Live ( where Motioflow is setted to Uniform ) , but these strange shadows ( better said distortions ) still appears around player head and they disappear only when I set Motionflow to Off . This function not need to be activated normally , when watching moving images , like a footbal game ? When it must be used the Motionflow  feature ? Why Sony left this feature enabled on Standard in factory settings , if this TV set can work very well with this setting disabled ?

For luminance variance , I already deactivated the Advanced Contrast Enhancer to solve this issue .

Motionflow setting and results are (like everything in imaging) very subjective... you may like them or not

Thay are intended to smooth fast moving images like the ball moving across a soccer field, but they use sw algorithms to create the intermediate images that could be not so accurate. I think it depens a lot also on the source.

In any case if you like the images without the Motionflow, just turn it off... there is no right or wrong