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Playing Dolby Vision video breaks Sony Bravia TV's Dolby Vision brightness and too dark

Playing Dolby Vision video breaks Sony Bravia TV's Dolby Vision brightness and too dark


I wanted to report a bug where sometimes playing a Dolby Vision video might break the correct brightness for Dolby Vision, for example in Disney+.

To reproduce:

I played a Dolby Vision video from a player e.g. Kodi, then the brightness of the video become really dark, then I quit the app and played a Dolby Vision film on Disney+, the film will become also really dark,  when pause the film you can see the correct brightness, however when resuming, it become dark again. It's not a dark or night scene.

It won't affect the standard film or video.

When I restart the TV, the problem solves.

See video for reference:


Hi @wuyuankai 

If you want to report a bug to Sony then you will need to contact them (see below). This is a community of customers trying to help other customers.


Please note that you have forgotten to mention the two most important things, the full model number of your TV and the software version. Sony will also want the serial number.


To open up a support case.

Not applicable

This might be a software bug, so did you make sure that the TV is running the latest update? And that also the apps are up to date.