black bars / letter box

black bars / letter box

Hi please please help i have a Sony XG9505 75 inch TV that i am using in conjunction with the Sky q box and when playing any 4K UHD content the Zoom function is disabled in the settings menu but this is enabled when watching 1080p has anyone found a way around to enable this feature as the black bars are driving me crazy they take up almost  a 3rd of the screen when watching 4k movies 


Hi @steviegee 


Sorry, you cannot change the aspect ratio for a 4K source. Unfortunately you are forced to view the movie in the format the director wants you to see it. As you discovered, you have to change the source to 1080 if you want to distort the movie 😪

  • Thanks for replying but its not the director who is making me/us watch the movie in that format its sony, LG tvs offer you the choice to zoom and fill the screen Samsung also although they only allow you to stretch the picture not fill

@steviegee wrote:
  • Thanks for replying but its not the director who is making me/us watch the movie in that format its sony, LG tvs offer you the choice to zoom and fill the screen Samsung also although they only allow you to stretch the picture not fill 

Hi @steviegee   Either way you cannot change the aspect ratio for a 2160p source on a Sony TV. If you are still within your cooling off period, why don't you exchange it for a LG or Samsung TV.

  • Been down that road spoke to a sony representative they're reply was I should have known this before I purchased the tv not the most helpful im really happy with the picture quality against the competition its just this one aspect of the tv that im struggling to come to terms with thats why I was hoping someone had come across a soution by now as looking into this im not the only one who struggle with this and Sony keep sending updates thru on a usb stick hoping the update will solve everything

@steviegee  ha scritto:
  • Been down that road spoke to a sony representative they're reply was I should have known this before I purchased the tv not the most helpful im really happy with the picture quality against the competition its just this one aspect of the tv that im struggling to come to terms with thats why I was hoping someone had come across a soution by now as looking into this im not the only one who struggle with this and Sony keep sending updates thru on a usb stick hoping the update will solve everything

Why do you talk about "picture quality" and like to stretch or cut a movie to avoid the black bars?

If you zoom the picture it doesnt stretch, the quality is not affected yes you loose 6 inches of the sides of the screen but when making a film the director will always centre the action on the screen so you realy dont miss much the particular problem im coming to terms with is that the screen is 5 foot long by 3 feet high these black bars are between 5 and 6 inches wide hence you loose almost a 3rd of the screen the term letter box has never been so accurate

Indeed I wrote

[...] stretch or cut a movie [...]

bu if you feel it doesn't matter, than, has someone suggested, you may choose a TV that managed that