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Sony A7 noise

Sony A7 noise

Hello i recently purchased a sony A7 with a SEL55210 lens which is aps-c. When i view the images i take on my camera, they look fantastic as so:


When i upload the image to this post after converting it to jpg, it looks like this:DSC00566.JPG

Perfect quality right? So when i try to view this in image data converter ver 4, or preview ( i run a macbook 2008 model) it turns out like this:IMG_0720.jpg

That is the exact same  file as the one above it, but as you can see the colours do not merge together correctly and i cannot alter this with any of the setting with great success, i am unable to view any of the pictures i have taken in great detail. So i am wondering whether i am doing something wrong, whether the camera or lens is malfunctioning, whether my laptop cannot handle these images (i have 8gb of ram in it) or whether it could be something else? Thank you for your time, Laith.

Oh for some reason playmemories is able to preview it in better detail with the colours merging together, just not as in great detail as that one above, however i cannot edit the pictures in playmemories as i can in lightroom.


Can you tell me what your shooting settings are? Do you shoot RAW or JPG? If you shoot RAW, the images show differently on your camera than when you import them on your computer. This can be the 'problem'.