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np-fw50 battery age


np-fw50 battery age



is there any way of recognizing the manufacturing date/year of the batterys serial code?

I have 2 npfw-50 batteries and I´d like to know which one is newer.




I recently had a lot of fun and games trying to achieve the same information about a different model of Sony battery for my camera.

I found a set of very small letters and numbers marked on the battery I wanted to check.

I can only advise that you contact Sony support to see if there are any batch codes on the battery. If there are, they, (customer support), won't be able to answer your question, it will need to be passed to a level two operative. It took about 5 weeks for me to finally get an answer. Two of my batteries were identified as being fakes, so if you have bought from an un-authorised seller, be prepared for bad news. 

Be patient with customer support and don't let them fob you off!

Plumber put 100 Sony AA batteries into 50 radiator thermostats.  They work up until the point the radiators stop turning themselves off and on and we find the battery has corroded and destroyed the thermostat.  Happened to two thermostats so we went around the other 48 and all batteries looked fine.  Two weeks later a third thermostat stopped working and the bottom of the battery has fallen off and the alkaline corroded the thermostat.  Thermostats are time and temp controls and cost £60 each. Is this normal for batteries to work right up until the point they leak alkaline all over their electircal device?