Disappointed at A65's AEB


Disappointed at A65's AEB

I am so disappointed in SLT A65 and A77 and the lack of a useful auto-bracketing to create HDR images.To make an HDR image requires at least three pictures with 2EV between. A65 and almost any other Sony camera models can only handle +/- 0.7 EV. A77 Serves 3 images +/- 2EV, but with 5 photos is the only +/- 0.7 EV, it is not useful for HDR. Why this limitation on such an expensive camera?
In several forums such Duxum.com and here is this lack complained to Sony. I had hoped that the firmwareupdate to the SLT, and NEX models would correct the deficiency but there was no correction. Why has Sony a autobracketing which is worse than ANY other camera brands? The other has a useful auto-bracketing even in low-cost models. Se this (not complete) list http://www.hdr-photography.com/aeb.html

My beloved SLT A33 has bathed in the sea and died. Now I have to buy new camera. I would love to buy a Sony but I have to choose another brand if I'm going to shoot HDR in RAW format. You had the opportunity to make some changes in firmware to get the perfect camera A65 and give it 3 frames +/- 2EV.

Is there any plan to alter the firmware that gives SLT cameras AEB with 3 frames +/- 2EV?

(Excuse my bad English, I have used google translate for this.)


There have to be some differences between A65 and A77 or the A77 would not sell.


Hi Ford.P, welcome to the Sony Forums

While there is currently no news relating to AEB and firmware updates for the a65, it's not beyond the realms of possiblity that it might happen one day.

I recall the a700 got a firmware upgrade to extend AEB to 2 stops.

However - historically - Sony have reserved that functionality for their more upmarket cameras, so I wouldn't be holding my breath :wink:

Sorry I can't be of any more help




And the difference in making me buy a Canon, Nikon or Pentax instead. Good for Sony? NOT.

I can hold my breath for three minutes, is it enough? 😉

I think Sony's limitation of the simple bracketing feature that everyone else has much better is bad for Sony. You do not buy a upmarket Sony camera just because you are inresserad of HDR. When you choose a different brand instead. Make a really good bracketing function instead in the pro cameras and a useful on other camera. 3 to 9 frames +/- 3EV in 1/3 or 1/2EV steps. The 5 frames bracketing the A77 is a joke with only max 2/3EV steps a total of +/- 1,3EV


2 years later there is no update to this. The 0.7 bracketing is pretty much useless and establishes the camera more of a low end consumer model competing against the lower end of the spectrum. Why Sony wish to hobble what is essentially good hardware with very poor firmware I don't know. I would not buy it again, nor recommend it.


It's a shame a camera with so much technological promise is hamstrung this way.


AEB is a nice to have, but you do get far better results by doing it yourself outside of the camera, so I don't find it as much of a blow that a camera can't do it, I don't really see it as a core concern on the capability of the camera. End of the day its you that takes & makes the picture

After owning Sony a200, a580 and a55, I quit Sony 2 years ago because missing HDR support and joined m43 family. Now I have more then 10 camera models to choose, all supporting HDR on different level and more then 30 quality optics available. To get same service and optics quality from Sony one has to pay triple as much.


I'm a hobbiest and don't find any arguments to buy high end camera just for experimenting sometimes with HDR.


But as I still have some high quality optics left on shelf from Sony, I hopefully today checked in for a65 HDR support ... which is still missing.


Please Sony, re think this HDR support and when joining community, please don't require so complex password, which no one is not capable to remeber.


Depends they do have support but its only for people that shoot Jpeg incamera, now if they started to give this in Raw format i'd be impressed.




Can you discribe the sort of support you want? as if Sony are listerning then it'll probably be helpful if they knew what you wanted.






A message to Sony.


Sony A700 v4 has +/- 2EV AEB bracketing under Drive button menu, supporting RAW format.


This functionality is missing since that from most Sony DSLR and Nex cameras and therefore feel obsolete to advanced users. From my point of view just a waste of engineering and technological skills, as result is forced switching to other brands.




I also use the a65 and this will be my last Sony camera.
I've had the a200 and the a35 as well. Some of the best photos I've taken were on the a200.
The ISO performance on the a65 is shockingly bad. I've had enough

The HDR is another issue as well as the shutter speed when using flash.
When I buy my next camera it will most likely be a Canon or Nikon.