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21:9 CinemaWide™ aspect ratio : compatability


21:9 CinemaWide™ aspect ratio : compatability

Dear Sony, 

Ya'll need to send a press release to the other streaming apps to let them aware there is a phone out in 21:9 or in some cinematic circles 2.00:1 aka 2:1 

For example CBS app, I get double black bars; top bottom left right.

And of course the obvious social media cropping issues with Snapchat. 

Not everyone has caught up with notch pinch to zoom.

Especially before the Xperia 1 release is out to iron out the Sony experience.


A few services have already confirmed support for 21:9 (2.370:1) such as Netflix and Amazon, YouTube will support it for content uploaded with that aspect and of course has pinch crop as it does with 2:1/18:9

I imagine as with 18:9, you'll see more content companies support the aspect as time goes on.


Yep it works perfectly with YouTube and Netflix the new 21:9 aspect ratio.

YouTube can also play during split screen. Netflix can't splitscreen.

Viki splitscreens but doesn't really have a pitch feature like VLIVE (LINE). 

CBS app can splitscreen, but can't touch outside the app without pausing also doesn't have a pitch feature. 

Perhaps a excel spreadsheet is needed. 😂

The point is is a press release could point out these flaws in new Android developed stream apps. Early adpotor to late development ... and the rest to get in line with future streaming multi-tasking demands of users. Or their apps will self-emplode like Snapchat working hard to gain back users. 

Like for me watching CBS, Star Trek: Discovery, on mobile gives me double bars, which lowers my immediate view count on release... Or I lag behind waiting to watch it on a laptop. 


PUBG just updated their game for 21:9!

It looks so good! 



I think they should patent their game mode on x1 that overclocks cpu and gpu. Otherwise competition will have it soon too.

I wonder if there will be vapor / liquid cooling in x1 as it is in p30 pro.

Can someone from sony confirm? 

It's still a problem in 2021 on current Android 11 devices like Xperia 5 II, the screen sharing, streaming and using the hdmi output still ends up with black bars on the sides, would be great if Sony created an option to use the phone in 16:9 mode that create black bars on the phone but allows for more compatibility and streaming.