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pictures lost from sd card


pictures lost from sd card


as per the topic. I was saving all my pictures in sd card (class 10 speed). 
However, the capera app from Sony does not allow you to organize it within the folders no matter sd cards or internal memory and where you want to find a specific picture (especially in windows) it takes ages to load all of it. Hence I decided to create folders on my own and move it / organize on my own.

I connected my device to windows 10 pc dig in to desired sd card location and inside DCIM - -> 100ANDRO folder I created a new one. Then I selected the pictures I wanted to move there (a lot of), right mouse click on it + cut option, then went to new folder ant hit paste. Pictures started to move. After some time I heard a ring sound and it seemed operation was completed.

To my eyes I saw this folder is emty!

How come?

I tried to look for it on my phone itself and it is empty too...
How can I get back my pictures???

Thank you.   


I would install a file manager from the Play Store and try to find them that way. Not sure if it will help but at least this way you are using the phone without it being connected to a PC. DId you look on the PC for the pictures, or in the cloud somewhere???

I have used many file managers but this is the one I use now and I like it very much.


Thank you for your response. 
I tried Astro, but unfortunately it is empty. 

I think Xperias does not work well with Windows 10 built in file manager. 
Many times I found problems with moving pictures or mp3s from my pc to internal Xperia storage (not sd card) and found problems with that (files did not appear, or folders did not create in Xperia storage, had to repeat the operation several times to succeed).

Another option is that my sd card is corrupted, but it would be the first time it happened for it.
Everything is possible, definitely something went wrong.

Now I will try to restore the lost pictures via connecting the SD card only to the pc and using some recovery app like "Recuva" or "Wondershare Data Recovery", however the second one is not well compatible with big 4K TVs and its layout is very bad.