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XL201 - replacing the cd drive

XL201 - replacing the cd drive

Hi all

My XL201 has another problem...

There is a CD stuck in the drive. The XL201 has a front-loading CD (ie where the CD slips in, rather than opening a tray). It appears to be a mechanical fault in the drive unit.

I spoke to Vaio customer services and they are happy to investigate and fix the problem - at a minimum charge of £140 (!!!!!)

I asked them whether buying just the drive is possible, and they said no.

I can't really afford this and clearly it might cost much more than £140. Does anyone have any ideas - can I buy this drive elsewhere?

Thanks in advance,


IT-Troll, your comment about the 5600S was a little confusing. You say the current drive uses an ATAPI connector, but this is converted to SATA on the drive itself? You mean the current drive already has this converter on as standard?
So the 5600S needs a SATA data connection, so where does this come from? Do we have to buy a converter for ATAPI to SATA data cable?


The factory drive has an ATAPI to SATA converter module bolted to the back of the drive. This is then connected to the motherboard board using a standard SATA data cable. So you should be able to use this existing data cable direct with the 5600S as it has native SATA.

However you would have to use one of the SATA power connectors rather than the floppy-type connector that the factory converter module uses.

Hope that is clearer. If not, crack open the lid and you'll see what I'm talking about.

Hi all,

Well, it looks like the 5600 is starting to be widely stocked , although it's not cheap. What I will probably do to quickly resolve the problem is to buy a standard SATA DVD-Rom (something like this ) and plug it into the socket currently occupied by the OEM DVD-Rom and leave it hanging out of the case for the infrequent times that I need to run from it. It's a temporary £10 fix in advance of the permanent £200 one.


I've got a 5600S on the way, they turn up on eBay for around £100.
I'll let you know how I get on...


Received my 5600S but have hit a snag. Although the drive has a standard SATA data connection it does not have a standard SATA power connection. It has what is known as a slimline SATA connector. A converter cable is available but it is intended for use with a molex power connector - of which the XL201 has none. My plan is to get one of these anyway and try to modify it to work with what is available...


Sorry i haven't followed up the lead from VIP Computers. I've discovered that Blu-Ray discs are still far too expensive to buy, and will wait until they drop to a tenner or so, before investing in the drive.

I appreciate renting BR discs is probably better value.

Got my 5600S and as quoted previously, it has a Slimline SATA connector.
Now I already have a FloppyDTV card in my XL201, and for this I bought a SATA Power to Molex power converter.
So for the 5600S, I am going to buy one of these Molex power splitters, and then use the following connector in the back of the 5600S:

I will let you know when I have got it hooked up and working (or not working).

One more question: I understand MCE does not support Blu-ray. Correct? If so, when I install this drive and I play a normal DVD, will it still play through MCE? And then when I play a Blu-ray DVD, what will happen? Will I have shut down MCE and play the DVD through some other software? What happens on XL202's?


Just a quick note to say I now have the 5600S fitted and working in the XL201 using a modified converter cable. I will post a full account tomorrow.


One more question:  I understand MCE does not support Blu-ray.  Correct?  If so, when I install this drive and I play a normal DVD, will it still play through MCE?  And then when I play a Blu-ray DVD, what will happen?  Will I have shut down MCE and play the DVD through some other software?  What happens on XL202's?

Correct, no native support for Blu-ray in MCE. DVDs and CDs will continue to play OK but you will need some other software to play Blu-ray. The XL202 comes with WinDVD, but Arcsoft TotalMedia Theater is a better choice as this fully integrates with Media Center.


Thanks guys, wouldn't mind the parts list, suppliers and install instructions if you get a moment, anything that isn't already in this thread. Cheers, Tony