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I finally had enough of the 7600GTL and poor BD playback on Intervideo and PowerDVD. Took about 15 minutes to install and played back BD version of "Day After Tomorrow" perfectly with audio (DTS) via spdif. No overheating (after 2 hours+) and used the supplied passive cooler, not alot of room to spare but fits.
To install I removed the bracket which runs from the back to the front of case. Disconnected carefully existing spdif (tight fit) and component connections. Remove card carefully remembering to gently release retaining clip at rear of PCIe slot.
There is a small aluminium plate at the rear of the PCI riser card with a 1cm curve at the end. gently bend this curve in the opposite direction.
Disconnect the 8500 from the supplied full height bracket and only leave the DVI and HDMI connections attached to the low profile bracket included in the packaging.
8500 will now easily fit into the slot but connect the spdif carefully beforehand.
Before screwing the card in place, check that the hdmi port is accessible on the outside and reattached the bracket bracing the front and rear of the case.
Oh one more thing I forgot , put the lid back on and reconnect screen, av receiver etc.
Once rebooted install the latest driver (July08) and adjust color saturation on nvidia control panel. Found primary colours were too vivid, need to be turned down alittle.
Had no problems switching between bd playback and desktop and no issues on audio. Had noticed before doing the upgrade that some of the juddering experienced on powerdvd BD playback of "day after tomorrow" was due to disk fragmentation as it seems to use disk cache for playback. Eliminated alot of this be defraging the disks but playback is nothing like that seen with 8500 card.
Only thing unusual is on boot up, Vaio logo and intel logo background is green but when Vista starts up it switches to correct colours.
Current config is
XL-202 vista, 3GB ram,1TB Disk, BD, MSI NX8500GT,
Onkyo Av
Sharp 42" 1080p.
Bose Acoustimass 5.
I've just ordered the Leadtek 8500 GT after having enough of the 7600GTL probs in my XL301. If I have any probs with the Leadtek I'll try the MSI one.
Let us know if all is well after a few days of operation.
forgot to ask, I assume you lose the component connection with this card?
Correct, i left it disconnected as I never used it anyway just spdif and HDMI.
Continued to work great, got the latest nvidia driver of their site.
Noticed there seemed to be a power management issue with powerdvd where it would try and hibernate after playing BD for 25 minutes (my original default). Changed this to 4 hours and works, so I looked for a later driver
I've just ordered one of these too. I was waiting for the new nVidia cards but the 9500 requires active cooling and the 9300/9400 are OEM only. Thanks for the installation tips.
Sounds like an interesting project, glad to hear it went well.
There is a small aluminium plate at the rear of the PCI riser card with a 1cm curve at the end. gently bend this curve in the opposite direction. 8500 will now easily fit into the slot...
just to say that I just receive my MSI NX8500GT that I order last week. It seems to be one of the last still in stock because this model is end of life! When I receice it I see in the same time that there is 2 new models in small braket: the Radeon HD 3450 and HD 3650. Both from Sapphire.
Here you can have the link:
The first is passive cooling and works with 300W power supply and the second is active cooling but no information about the minimum power supply require. I don't know if is it possible to adapt the original cooling from the 7600GT on thos card.
i am just about to order this card. can anyoneone confirm whether or not the hdmi port and dvi port can be used simultaneously?