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I am trying to install ubuntu on my laptop to run along side windows however I can't do it, I can't even install it on its own i get an error right after GRUB LOADING...... ERROR 2

I think it has something to do with the fact i have stand alone raid drivers. These have to be install via floppy when installing windows. This might be the problem or might not any one got any clues?


Right it is to do with them being RAID i thing RAID 1.
But it is do able

But how?

benste is your man. He has a fully functioning Ubuntu platform working on a FE Series (simular model). I will contact him and link him. I recall a ubuntu operating system on an NR Series was showing symptoms of lag. This means the hardware specs for certain models of Vaio's componants will not handshake well with ubuntu. AR series like mine 'should be' open source and not chattled to Vista specs from the ground up. I found the RAID tempremental so you may need to reinstall it. It is fairly easy


Thanks a lot looking forward to what he says

Sorry, for answering delayed.
You worte that grub gives you an error.
Because of grub shouldn't used on a live cd just on a installed disk I think, you already installed ubuntu right?
But you're not able to boot it anymore?

First of all it would be glad to no all your partitions. The easiest grafical way is to boot from the live cd and run the installed just until you see them. (DON'T format the disk!)

After that you should be able to reconfigure grub to the needed options.
An easy "rescue" grub from live CD is here:

BUT you compared the problem to the SATA missing driver during an XP installation - so are you stocked pre installation or past installation?

PS: I don't know how familar you are with ubuntu- Are you beginner, an advanced user or even programmer?
+ " is the german sign for what you normally use '