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Sony VAIO CS11 white touchpad... discoloured?


Sony VAIO CS11 white touchpad... discoloured?


About six weeks ago I bought the white Sony VAIO CS11, and so far I haven't had any problems with it (aside from the known fan issue and Vista, though not anymore).

But today I noticed a vague, yellowish stain on the touchpad. And I was just in disbelief.

I mean, I've only had the CS for around six weeks. My hands don't sweat constantly and I wash them regularly like most people. I knew getting the white version would mean it would get dirty eventually, but I didn't think it would get discoloured! Not to mention this fast and this easily.

That being said, is it really discoloured? Or am I just being paranoid and is it some weird stain I can get off by using (insert here)? What caused it, anyway? Does anyone else have this problem? I reaaaaally hope someone can help me... ;_;

If the problem gets fixed, I promise I will start using a mouse again. :innocent: