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Processor or laptop heat problem


Processor or laptop heat problem

Hello Vaio users,

I have got a problem with a 5 years old Vaio PCG-GRT716S with Pentium 4 and 1GB ram XP sp3 laptop.
The laptop shut`s intself down after working on in because of a overheating problem.
I not doing anything heavy, I am just on internet or typing.
It uses about 320 mb on resources.(tasks) when doing nothing.
I put it already on a ventilator standard to cool it, but it heat`s up anyway.
A programs thats measuring the temp. gives the following results:ProcessorPentium 4CPU 2,80 GHz 55 degrees Celcius under normal use.
Hard drive: Hitachi 50 degrees Celcius.
Starting anything more heavy (small iwin game) results in shutting down after a while.
It`s a pity this happens while the laptop is in good shape and it seemes like the processor is on his end or am I wrong?

Any suggestions are welcome,




Hi Stansat55,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

Do you get a warning before your vaio shuts down.?

Can you hear the fan at all, if so is it working harder then normal.?

You could try clearing the cooling vents of dust with compressed air (you should be able to get this from your local PC shop), then holding the can upright give the vents a short blast from a distance of approx. 10cm if you hold the can to close you could damage the fan. Check the instruction on the can before using as they may be different..