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PCGK315m screen shutdown

PCGK315m screen shutdown

my good reliable laptop has a problem of turning the screen off when restarting from standby.
this has only accured recently. i just normally press my on/off button once to go in standby.
Now when i do this it come on starts resetting itself then between the UPDATING IT SWITCHES THE SCREEN OFF whilst still reloading. I have to switch off again and restart.
The only thing i have improved on is upgraded memmory to 1gig.
Any help would be greatfully received.


the way to fix this problem will be to backup all your files

the best way will be to then do the vaio recovery this will then fix the missing drivers that power the screen back on
(please note that this is a windows fault 9/10 times and not the laptops)
if it was the laptop at fault then the screen would 1.not power up or 2.would turn of after so long