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NVidia GeForce 8600M

NVidia GeForce 8600M

I have a VGN - FZ21Z. A great laptop generally but I am having problems with my display adapter. When using windows media sometimes the screen goes green, the display adapter stops working but usually recovers and sometimes the computer just hangs.
eSupport advised I uninstal display adapter from device manage now I have Generic Standard VGA Graphics Adapter and the screen is not as good now.

Does anyone have this same problem or have advice as to what can fix this problem?

I dont know if its a connected problem, but the blue ray dvd wont play using WinDVD BD for Vaio. Should I be useing a different DVD palyback software?

Any help apprieciated.

p.s. I am new to this forum, how do you search for a particular thread/topic. Its possible this problem is discussed else where but I cant see a search tool??????


Hi g00se123

welcome to Club VAIO..

have you tired downloading and installing the nVidia Video Driver update.?

Use the following link to download the: FZ21Z nVidia Video Driver 070830 update

For your Win DVD problem have you installed all of the updates listed below..?

WinDVD BD8.0.8.425

WinDVD BD8.0.9.429

WinDVD BD8.0.9.617

To search the forum use the following link to view Blencogo's reply in a similar thread: Is there a search facility on the forum ?

If you can't find the solution your looking for then please start a new thread and hopefully we can help.. :slight_smile: